Rivers Primary Academy praised in Ofsted report Learn More

Rivers Primary Academy, Livingstone Road, Blakenall, Walsall, WS3 1LY
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
accelerated reader programme at rivers primary academy v2

Accelerated Reader

Once children complete the Read Write Inc Phonics programme and are able to decode fluently our children use the Accelerated Reader programme to further ignite their love of reading and develop their reading skills.  Through half termly star read assessments children are guided to choose appropriately challenging texts from the library.

Every morning across Key Stage 2 children come into school and spend time reading their books and completing their quizzes.  The children love to take quizzes on the books that they have read, and the more quizzes they pass, the more rewards they earn!  There is always a lot of competition to be our first millionaire reader of the academic year.