Rivers Primary Academy praised in Ofsted report Learn More

Rivers Primary Academy, Livingstone Road, Blakenall, Walsall, WS3 1LY
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
apply for a nursery place at rivers primary academy nursery

Apply for a Nursery Place

Children aged 3 to 4 years old can join our nursery. Children can start at our nursery at three points in the year - September, January and Easter. See our admissions policy for more information. 

We offer places to children the term after they turn 3 years old and you do not need to pay to attend our nursery. All places are fully funded using the 15 hours free childcare scheme.

We have space for 26 children for morning sessions and 26 children for afternoon sessions. 

Apply for a Nursery Place

Complete the form below to apply for a place at our nursery.